Lockdown Sauna Deprivation

I've never owned my own sauna - I don't live in Finland, it's normal there, but not in the Netherlands. In my country most sauna fans will simply visit what we call a "saunabedrijf" - in English you might call it a spa, with several different sauna rooms, one or more steam rooms, several baths and pools, a restaurant and lounge, and other facilities. The advantage is obvious: you could never have all that at home, if you're not rich. But there's a disadvantage as well, which has become glaringly obvious due to the COVID-19 pandemic: it's a public facility. And public facilities get closed during lockdowns. And even when restrictions are eased or lifted, and officially you can visit them again, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's safe to do so. So ... I haven't been in a sauna in over a year. And I'm feeling sauna-deprived! The health and relaxation advantages were always so obvious, that not going makes missing them all too clear. I...