How I Became a Sauna Fan

I come from a family where health was a daily subject of discussion. And I always felt that I had to take care of myself. But in a period of deep depression, taking care of myself became much less of a priority. I neglected even the most basic things you can do for your health, and I certainly didn't get around to trying anything new. One of those 'new' things I had been curious about, was sauna use. Not knowing anyone who used a sauna, I had only been able to just read about it. And I remember being both mystified and attracted by what I considered contradictions in the concept. Take, for instance, the idea that you could seriously burn yourself with water of a hundred degrees Celsius, but that spending time in air of the same temperature was both pleasant and beneficial! Seriously?! But I had no one to ask about his or her personal experience, so I reserved the idea for when an opportunity presented itself to find out more from someone who had been there and done that, s...